June 14, 2009

Katelyn's birthday

On June 5th was my little sister, Katelyn's, birthday. She is 15 now and I cant believe it, it is just like yesterday that she was crawling around getting into everything. We celebrated her birthday on the following Sunday, with cake and ice cream.... it was pretty yummy for chocolate cake... lol. It is weird to think that this time next year she will be driving, we better stay off the side walk... and it another 2 years my little sister Jessica will be driving too.... My mom is crazy. I cannot imagine having 3 teenagers driving... And they already fight over the phone, next it will be over the car.... maybe I will wait 5 years before I have another baby.
Well I am all caught up...... mom
Til next time

Bobs Graduation

I am trying to catch up with all my blogging so please don't think I am nuts..... Besides having the baby appointment on June 3rd we also went to my little sister, Alex's, graduation. I was a little nervous that we were going to be late to her graduation.... between having a doctors appointment, having to go get Steven's little sister, Jessica, from Tooele and having to climb this huge hill to the huntsmen center time was a little tight. But we made it!!!! It was really awesome and they had marines bring out there diploma's.
I am so proud of her.... she went from ditching school and not caring about school work to miss book worm. She went to school in the day, had an intership at my moms work after school until 5 PM, and then came home to do home study school work along with her normal homework. I am so glad that she stuck it out and never gave up. Now she knows that she can do anything.
I cant wait to see where she goes from here.... I hope that she decides to go to school and get a great job.... But for right now she is happy just working.... School will come soon enough.

June 11, 2009

The Baby

Ok so I am the biggest procrastinator and being pregnant is not helping..... lol. I finally loaded picture of my ultrasound onto the computer. We got these pictures on June 3rd at our ultra sound appointment. They let us know that she is doing great and growing very healthy. Also we found out that our due date is now October 12th instead of the 21st.... It still seems like it is never going to come. I am not patient what so ever, I am ready for my baby shower and to start putting a room together. Yes I am almost 23 weeks and I am already thinking about nesting.... This is going to be a long 4 months.....
Other than that not a lot is new with my prenancy..... I am feeling the baby kick more and more and my stomach just seems to get heavier and heavier. Maybe if it ever gets cute I will post a picture of my stomach, but for now it will just have to be a mystery of what it looks like.